Updated 10/24
Items to note
- the stage for the main stage shows at WCU is raked
- there is limited wing space
- there is not a full fly-height grid
Please read through the following information. There are a number of items that you will want to be aware of as you plan your production to travel to the PA ThesFest. These are necessary for the giant undertaking that is the PA ThesFest and our organization. We realize everyone has special circumstances, however, these rules/guidelines will be enforced and exceptions may not be possible. Always communicate with the ThesFest host about any special needs and/or to confirm specifics within these guidelines.
Troupes are responsible for all costs associated with bringing a show to present at ThesFest. ANY changes you wish to make to the script (lines, casting, etc) MUST have been requested for through the publishing company and that permission letter must be sent to the Chapter Director by early Nov or you will not be permitted to perform.
In order for a Troupe to be allowed to present a Main Stage show at ThesFest, a royalty payment must be paid (or waived).
Please submit the ROYALTY AFFIDAVIT FORM. This must be received no later than (TBD) for you to be able to perform your show at ThesFest.
Main Stage shows will provide a virtual program.
The State Board does not feel that it is their function to act as a censor in determining what is or what is not appropriate to perform at ThesFest. We are aware that what is acceptable in one school district may be found totally inappropriate in another. Therefore, we ask that directors consider carefully the language and content of anything they plan to perform at ThesFest, remembering that we are mainly composed of knowledgeable, but impressionable, students ages 13 and up, with a thirst for quality theatre. A troupe should not perform anything at TheesFest that would not be acceptable on their own stage and that has not been performed before a home audience. In addition, where questionable language, action, or theme will be presented, a warning will be given with the program notes and play introduction.
The Board has instituted the following for Schools that present work that raises concerns....
Level 1) Written notice identifying discrepancies from your content statement and the response to performance.
Level 2) School and/or Director not allowed to perform for 4 years at ThesFest.
Level 3) Troupe and/or Director not allowed to participate with the PA ThesFest for 1 or 2 years.
Your personnel will run your entire show - sound, lights, fly*, load in, strike, etc.
(* - IF Conference staff determine your personnel can safely handle this)
Items to note
- the stage for the main stage shows at WCU is raked
- there is limited wing space
- there is not a full fly-height grid
Please read through the following information. There are a number of items that you will want to be aware of as you plan your production to travel to the PA ThesFest. These are necessary for the giant undertaking that is the PA ThesFest and our organization. We realize everyone has special circumstances, however, these rules/guidelines will be enforced and exceptions may not be possible. Always communicate with the ThesFest host about any special needs and/or to confirm specifics within these guidelines.
Troupes are responsible for all costs associated with bringing a show to present at ThesFest. ANY changes you wish to make to the script (lines, casting, etc) MUST have been requested for through the publishing company and that permission letter must be sent to the Chapter Director by early Nov or you will not be permitted to perform.
In order for a Troupe to be allowed to present a Main Stage show at ThesFest, a royalty payment must be paid (or waived).
Please submit the ROYALTY AFFIDAVIT FORM. This must be received no later than (TBD) for you to be able to perform your show at ThesFest.
Main Stage shows will provide a virtual program.
The State Board does not feel that it is their function to act as a censor in determining what is or what is not appropriate to perform at ThesFest. We are aware that what is acceptable in one school district may be found totally inappropriate in another. Therefore, we ask that directors consider carefully the language and content of anything they plan to perform at ThesFest, remembering that we are mainly composed of knowledgeable, but impressionable, students ages 13 and up, with a thirst for quality theatre. A troupe should not perform anything at TheesFest that would not be acceptable on their own stage and that has not been performed before a home audience. In addition, where questionable language, action, or theme will be presented, a warning will be given with the program notes and play introduction.
The Board has instituted the following for Schools that present work that raises concerns....
Level 1) Written notice identifying discrepancies from your content statement and the response to performance.
Level 2) School and/or Director not allowed to perform for 4 years at ThesFest.
Level 3) Troupe and/or Director not allowed to participate with the PA ThesFest for 1 or 2 years.
Your personnel will run your entire show - sound, lights, fly*, load in, strike, etc.
(* - IF Conference staff determine your personnel can safely handle this)
Here are several files (ground plan, lighting schedule, Asplundh hall view, channel hookups, and light plot. These are updated for our ThesFest.
- MOVE IN - There is a (strict) 2 hour on stage/move in set up time for your show. This will begin about 2 ½-3 hours before your scheduled start time (TBA, but that is pretty close.) All of your rigging, lighting, final assembly, move in must be done during this relatively small window of time.
- LOAD IN - There is no scene shop in which to unload set, costumes, props, etc. prior to moving onto the stage. Please know that your load in time will be given to you and will be determined by the time schedule of the ThesFest and host facility. This has proven a challenge when trucks arrive at ThesFest on their time schedule and not the ThesFest's schedule. You need to make arrangements with your truck driver to be available several hours before your production and then after your production for load out.
- STRIKE – You have 1 hour to strike and load out your set. This includes sound, lights, set, costume, dressing rooms, clean up, etc. This also includes load back on to your truck. Your truck must be available to reload during your Strike. Please plan on taking your set back to your home school to dispose of it. What comes with you, returns with you!
- LIGHTING – Lighting is pretty much set and you will need to use what is provided. You will have the opportunity to focus a few instruments. This must be done during your Move in and then reset during your Strike. You could conceivably change the gel on some lighting instruments, but again, this will have to be done in your limited Move in and Strike time. Additional lighting information will be sent closer to the ThesFest. (lighting and writing cues is usually the biggest challenge schools have getting done in the set up time)
- RIGGING – o ** Note: This is not a full fly-height grid **
It is at the sole discretion of the ThesFest host to determine if an object may be flown – safety is of prime importance at all times. You have the opportunity to hang and fly soft goods and some set pieces. Every item that is flown or hung must be fire proofed (if fabric). It will be up to the ThesFest Tech Director whether your personnel may operate the fly system.
- TECH PERSONNEL – It is your responsibility to supply the tech personnel to load in, set up, run, strike and load out your show. The ThesFest TD will determine if your personnel will be allowed to operate the fly bar. If not, ThesFest personnel will operate the fly (being cued by your personnel.)
- SOUND – You may bring your own sound board and tie it into the ThesFest system, or you may use the ThesFest sound board. If you want to use wireless microphones, you are encouraged to bring your own equipment. It is possible that you may be able to use ThesFest wireless equipment (limited supply), however that conversation must take place at least a month in advance of the ThesFest.
- PIT ORCHESTRA – You need to plan on bringing all the instruments, music stands, cables, cords, etc that you will need for your production.
- RESPONDERS – After your performance, you will be responded to by our PA State Main Stage adjudicators. We suggest that your cast and crew may want to sit in on this session where you will get verbal and written feedback. This process is intended to give positive reinforcement and constructive suggestions. Most schools have found this to be a very productive and helpful feedback. Unfortunately, this does eat into your Strike time (especially if your schedule strike is tight). Some schools have people being Strike right away while part of their crew is sitting in on the responders.
- COMMUNICATION – obviously this is a large endeavor for you as well as the host facility. The conference will be managing many productions in a very cramped time. The more you can communicate with the ThesFest Tech staff in advance, the better we can assist you with your various needs. Waiting until your 2 hours load in to discuss options really cramps your production and limits what the ThesFest Tech Staff can do to assist you.
Seating: 1,145
• Orchestra 708 (if a Pit Orchestra is needed, 46 seats will be
removed from front rows for a total 662)
• Balcony 437
Stage Dimensions: Semi Sprung Painted Black Masonite
o Proscenium Opening 36' Wide x 21'9" High
o Portal Opening 33'2" Wide x 19' High
o Stage 36' Wide x 40' Deep
o Stage Wings
• Stage Right 7'10"
• Stage Left 8'8"
o Note: The Stage is raked
• Upstage is 11" higher than downstage ≈ 1/4” per 1 ft.
Stage Extension:
o 38' Wide x 8' Deep x 3.5' High
o Pit must be covered to use the extension
Pit Dimensions:
o 46' Wide x 7' at Center x 5'7" below Stage Height
o Pit is 4'6" at stage right and stage left
o Pit is 2'3.5" below audience level
o Pit can be covered to be flush with house floor
o Pit has 9' x 5' hydraulic lift at center stage
Dressing Rooms
o (1) Handicap accessible bathroom/dressing area on stage left
o (2) Group dressing rooms with bathrooms **Located one floor below
stage level next to green room. Access to stage right only***
o NO Laundry Service
o 48' Wide x 73' Long (There are eight 2' x 3' columns in the room)
o Capacity: 330 people
Theatrical Lighting - See Inventory for Counts
o 250 ETC Sensor Theatrical Dimmers 2.4kw Dimmers
o ETC ION 1000 Legacy with 2x20 Fader Wing .esf files only
**All ETC Source 4 Instruments Have 575w Lamps**
• DMX Univ. 2 Opto Splitter Down Stage Left
House Lighting
o Dimmable Incandescent
Follow Spots
o (2) 1200w Xenon Super Trouper follow spots
• Located in spot booth above balcony
o 10,000 Lumen HD Projector mounted to center of Balcony
o Crestron Media Swithcer
o Input in Booth or Down Stage Right VGA or HDMI
o Audio over Dante Network
Sound System
Audio system is Dante Network. Please Talk with Venue Management about any
changes to Dante Patch
o (4) QSC KLA 12 per side with (1) KLA181 Sub at top of array
o (2) QSC KLA 12 for Balcony Delay Fills
o Yamaha CL3 FoH
o Yamaha CL1 Monitors or Booth
o Yamaha RIO3224 Stage Box (32x16x4AES)
o Yamaha RI8 Stage Box (8 xlr in) at FoH
Monitor System
o (4) JBL STX 812 12” Monitor
o (2) JBL STX 815m 15” Monitor
o (3) Crown XTI 6002 Power Amplifier
o 70v Distributed System to Green Room, Dressing Rooms, and Spot
Booth fed from House Mic
o Sennheiser Infrared ALS Receivers Upon Request
Misc. Sound
o (2) 16 Channel Drop snake 50’
o (1) 12 Channel Drop Snake 50’
o (1) 6 Channel Drop Snake 50’
Show Power
o Location: Up stage-right
• 400 amp - 208v 3 phase with Camlocks & Lugs Reversed G & N
o Location: Side stage-left
• 100 amp - 120v/208v 3 phase with Camlocks Reversed G & N
• (12) 20 amp - 120v Stage Pin & Edison connectors
Soft Goods -
o House Curtain - Traveler
o Travelers are dead hung
o Borders are flyable
o ** Note: This is not a full fly-height grid **
o Grid Height: 38'
o (17) Motorized fixed speed (20 ft/min) line shaft hoist system with cable
Loading Dock
o Located on University Avenue across from 25 University Ave.
o Single truck height dock with dock leveler
o Loading dock is about 65’-0” long x 17’-0” wide at the narrowest
o Elevators and Handicap Lifts
o Freight Elevator
• 7’-0” Wide x 10’-0” Deep x 7’-0” High
• Capacity - 2500 lbs
• Located at the loading dock, services stage level, dock level, and
greenroom level
o Stage-right Handicap Lift
• Capacity - 750 lbs
• Located stage-right, services house level and stage level
o Greenroom Handicap Lift
• Capacity - 750 lbs
• Located on East side of greenroom, services greenroom level and
first floor of Philips Building
o Philips Building Passenger Elevator
• Located on Administrative side of Philips Building
- LOAD IN - There is no scene shop in which to unload set, costumes, props, etc. prior to moving onto the stage. Please know that your load in time will be given to you and will be determined by the time schedule of the ThesFest and host facility. This has proven a challenge when trucks arrive at ThesFest on their time schedule and not the ThesFest's schedule. You need to make arrangements with your truck driver to be available several hours before your production and then after your production for load out.
- STRIKE – You have 1 hour to strike and load out your set. This includes sound, lights, set, costume, dressing rooms, clean up, etc. This also includes load back on to your truck. Your truck must be available to reload during your Strike. Please plan on taking your set back to your home school to dispose of it. What comes with you, returns with you!
- LIGHTING – Lighting is pretty much set and you will need to use what is provided. You will have the opportunity to focus a few instruments. This must be done during your Move in and then reset during your Strike. You could conceivably change the gel on some lighting instruments, but again, this will have to be done in your limited Move in and Strike time. Additional lighting information will be sent closer to the ThesFest. (lighting and writing cues is usually the biggest challenge schools have getting done in the set up time)
- RIGGING – o ** Note: This is not a full fly-height grid **
It is at the sole discretion of the ThesFest host to determine if an object may be flown – safety is of prime importance at all times. You have the opportunity to hang and fly soft goods and some set pieces. Every item that is flown or hung must be fire proofed (if fabric). It will be up to the ThesFest Tech Director whether your personnel may operate the fly system.
- TECH PERSONNEL – It is your responsibility to supply the tech personnel to load in, set up, run, strike and load out your show. The ThesFest TD will determine if your personnel will be allowed to operate the fly bar. If not, ThesFest personnel will operate the fly (being cued by your personnel.)
- SOUND – You may bring your own sound board and tie it into the ThesFest system, or you may use the ThesFest sound board. If you want to use wireless microphones, you are encouraged to bring your own equipment. It is possible that you may be able to use ThesFest wireless equipment (limited supply), however that conversation must take place at least a month in advance of the ThesFest.
- PIT ORCHESTRA – You need to plan on bringing all the instruments, music stands, cables, cords, etc that you will need for your production.
- RESPONDERS – After your performance, you will be responded to by our PA State Main Stage adjudicators. We suggest that your cast and crew may want to sit in on this session where you will get verbal and written feedback. This process is intended to give positive reinforcement and constructive suggestions. Most schools have found this to be a very productive and helpful feedback. Unfortunately, this does eat into your Strike time (especially if your schedule strike is tight). Some schools have people being Strike right away while part of their crew is sitting in on the responders.
- COMMUNICATION – obviously this is a large endeavor for you as well as the host facility. The conference will be managing many productions in a very cramped time. The more you can communicate with the ThesFest Tech staff in advance, the better we can assist you with your various needs. Waiting until your 2 hours load in to discuss options really cramps your production and limits what the ThesFest Tech Staff can do to assist you.
Seating: 1,145
• Orchestra 708 (if a Pit Orchestra is needed, 46 seats will be
removed from front rows for a total 662)
• Balcony 437
Stage Dimensions: Semi Sprung Painted Black Masonite
o Proscenium Opening 36' Wide x 21'9" High
o Portal Opening 33'2" Wide x 19' High
o Stage 36' Wide x 40' Deep
o Stage Wings
• Stage Right 7'10"
• Stage Left 8'8"
o Note: The Stage is raked
• Upstage is 11" higher than downstage ≈ 1/4” per 1 ft.
Stage Extension:
o 38' Wide x 8' Deep x 3.5' High
o Pit must be covered to use the extension
Pit Dimensions:
o 46' Wide x 7' at Center x 5'7" below Stage Height
o Pit is 4'6" at stage right and stage left
o Pit is 2'3.5" below audience level
o Pit can be covered to be flush with house floor
o Pit has 9' x 5' hydraulic lift at center stage
Dressing Rooms
o (1) Handicap accessible bathroom/dressing area on stage left
o (2) Group dressing rooms with bathrooms **Located one floor below
stage level next to green room. Access to stage right only***
o NO Laundry Service
o 48' Wide x 73' Long (There are eight 2' x 3' columns in the room)
o Capacity: 330 people
Theatrical Lighting - See Inventory for Counts
o 250 ETC Sensor Theatrical Dimmers 2.4kw Dimmers
o ETC ION 1000 Legacy with 2x20 Fader Wing .esf files only
**All ETC Source 4 Instruments Have 575w Lamps**
• DMX Univ. 2 Opto Splitter Down Stage Left
House Lighting
o Dimmable Incandescent
Follow Spots
o (2) 1200w Xenon Super Trouper follow spots
• Located in spot booth above balcony
o 10,000 Lumen HD Projector mounted to center of Balcony
o Crestron Media Swithcer
o Input in Booth or Down Stage Right VGA or HDMI
o Audio over Dante Network
Sound System
Audio system is Dante Network. Please Talk with Venue Management about any
changes to Dante Patch
o (4) QSC KLA 12 per side with (1) KLA181 Sub at top of array
o (2) QSC KLA 12 for Balcony Delay Fills
o Yamaha CL3 FoH
o Yamaha CL1 Monitors or Booth
o Yamaha RIO3224 Stage Box (32x16x4AES)
o Yamaha RI8 Stage Box (8 xlr in) at FoH
Monitor System
o (4) JBL STX 812 12” Monitor
o (2) JBL STX 815m 15” Monitor
o (3) Crown XTI 6002 Power Amplifier
o 70v Distributed System to Green Room, Dressing Rooms, and Spot
Booth fed from House Mic
o Sennheiser Infrared ALS Receivers Upon Request
Misc. Sound
o (2) 16 Channel Drop snake 50’
o (1) 12 Channel Drop Snake 50’
o (1) 6 Channel Drop Snake 50’
Show Power
o Location: Up stage-right
• 400 amp - 208v 3 phase with Camlocks & Lugs Reversed G & N
o Location: Side stage-left
• 100 amp - 120v/208v 3 phase with Camlocks Reversed G & N
• (12) 20 amp - 120v Stage Pin & Edison connectors
Soft Goods -
o House Curtain - Traveler
o Travelers are dead hung
o Borders are flyable
o ** Note: This is not a full fly-height grid **
o Grid Height: 38'
o (17) Motorized fixed speed (20 ft/min) line shaft hoist system with cable
Loading Dock
o Located on University Avenue across from 25 University Ave.
o Single truck height dock with dock leveler
o Loading dock is about 65’-0” long x 17’-0” wide at the narrowest
o Elevators and Handicap Lifts
o Freight Elevator
• 7’-0” Wide x 10’-0” Deep x 7’-0” High
• Capacity - 2500 lbs
• Located at the loading dock, services stage level, dock level, and
greenroom level
o Stage-right Handicap Lift
• Capacity - 750 lbs
• Located stage-right, services house level and stage level
o Greenroom Handicap Lift
• Capacity - 750 lbs
• Located on East side of greenroom, services greenroom level and
first floor of Philips Building
o Philips Building Passenger Elevator
• Located on Administrative side of Philips Building
Revised 10/24