The State Conference Handbook should explain many of your questions about the PA State Conference. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to email the Chapter Director.
The State Conference Handbook should explain many of your questions about the PA State Conference. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to email the Chapter Director.
last update 8/28/20
The State Conference is designed to give students throughout the state an opportunity to learn about theatre, display their talents, and collaborate with other theater students and professionals from around the Commonwealth. The Conference includes theatre-related workshops, presentations of full-length and one-act plays, and a variety of other activities in performance and technical theater: Thespys, senior thespian scholarships and cash awards, and junior college auditions. Registration materials are posted on the PA State Thespian Website. All Troupe Directors of active Troupes in PA will be emailed information about the State Conference and Registration information.
due September 30th
- Workshop applications (will be open in August)
due Oct 8th
- Thespys info applications (google form)
- Student State Board applications (google form)
- Senior Scholarship Award applications (google form)
- Junior College Audition applications (google form)
- Thespy Judging application
due October 31st
- Conference registration (students, chaperones and directors)
due Nov 5th
- Thespy video submissions (OpenWater)
- Student State Board applications (google form)
- Senior Scholarship Award applications (OpenWater)
- Junior College Audition applications (OpenWater)
- STO Select video applications
- Administrator's Award applications
- Affidavit of Proof of one-act and main stage royalty payment
- Hall of Fame Honor Troupe Applications
Payment of conference fees – from school districts for Troupe Participation in Conference is due ASAP - no later than December 3rd. PAYABLE TO PA THESPIANS
Alphabetical listing of Important Items
Following One Act and Main Stage performances the director, cast (and crew) will meet with a team of respondents who will offer feedback on the performance.
- To recognize outstanding leadership in arts education
- To motivate excellence in arts education
- To draw public attention to accomplishments of school arts leadership
Nominations for the Pennsylvania Administrators Award may be submitted by any Thespian director. To make a nomination, a Troupe Director uses the form found on the website.
During the fall planning meeting held shortly before the conference, the State Board will review the applications and select a winner(s).
The nominee(s) must be active advocates for the arts and arts education. Also, the nominee(s) must demonstrate leadership in support of the school arts programs.
The award will be presented at the conference at a time convenient to the winner(s), or to the troupe director if the winner(s) is/are unable to attend.
All troupe registrations need to be done through the registration process by the posted due date. Currently this will be via an excel file with additional google forms.
Conference Registration (includes entrance to all virtual conference events)
- Thespians - $110
- Non Thespians - $125
- Directors and Adults - $50
Other Fees
- Thespys- $15 per person (paid by the student when they submit to OpenWater)
- Scholarship and College Auditions - $10 (paid by the student when they submit to OpenWater)
- $25 Tech Challenge team
- $20 Improv Teams
- $25 One Act
- $100 - Vendor
- $75/100 - College or University
Often a troupe has a student who is thoroughly dedicated to the troupe and is invaluable to the director in the operation of the troupe. To recognize these dedicated students, we have established the Thespian Hall of Fame. Each director will be given the opportunity to nominate one student from the troupe for Outstanding Thespian Hall of Fame, one student from the troupe for the Performance Hall of Fame and one student for the Technical Hall of Fame. These names should be submitted with the online registration. Awarded students will be recognized at the Conference.
Create a team of 5: 1 headpiece designer, 1 make-up designer, 2 crew, 1 model. The model should wear rehearsal blacks.
What to bring:
1. full make-up kit, your choice, no wigs
2. Items for headpiece construction: (a base will be provided) *2 yards of fabric,
*3 yards ribbon, *(may be multiple equaling a total of), 3 felt squares, 3 yards wire (bring your own wire cutters), 1 dozen large pipe cleaners, role of masking tape (any width), roll of scotch tape, glue gun and glue sticks (extension cord), set of markers, safety pins, sewing kit, newspaper, 3 paper plates, ornamental object of choice ex. feather, flowers, etc.
The Pennsylvania Thespian Honor Troupe Recognition Program recognizes those troupes that achieve a high level of excellence both on stage and off. This is not a head competition, but a chance for individual troupe recognition. There is no limit to the number of troupes that can be recognized each year. A certificate will be presented to each school. The time frame is the previous school year (following the International Festival – ex. July, 2022 - June, 2023). Troupes must attain at least the minimum point value in each category to be eligible for an award and may not claim more than the maximum points in any one category. The link to apply is on Conference Page of the website (in the Director Info section)
Junior College Showcase is open to juniors who are interested in auditioning/presenting for the visiting colleges. The process for the College Auditions is the same as the process for Performance and Technical Scholarship auditions (see those requirements listed under Senior Scholarship & Cash Award later in this document).
Guests - any student or adult may attend the 2021-22 PA State Thespian Conference as part of a troupe registration. Students must be inducted Thespians in order to be eligible to participate in Thespys, Scholarships and Jr College Showcase/Interviews, and Improv Pairs.
The State Board fully supports ethical use of licensed material. Failure to comply with the licensing agreement can result in possible legal and/or State Conference consequences.
The State Board does not feel that it is their function to act as a censor in determining what is or what is not appropriate to perform at the State Conference. We rely on each director’s discretion and professionalism to screen your work. We are aware that what is acceptable in one school district may be found totally inappropriate in another. Therefore, we ask that directors consider carefully the language and content of anything they plan to perform at the Conference, remembering that we are mainly composed of knowledgeable, but impressionable, students ages 13 and up, with a thirst for quality theatre. A troupe should not perform anything at conference that would not be acceptable on their own stage and that has not been performed before a home audience. In addition, where questionable language, action, or theme will be presented, a warning must be given with the program notes and play introduction.
NOTE: If there is any doubt as to the content, language or depiction of the material in a show, it is the troupe director’s responsibility to err on the side of caution. If a troupe director cannot self-edit the show (or do not have permission to do so by the publishing company) then the show choice is not appropriate for the State Conference. The State Board reserves the right to enact consequences for a failure to abide by these guidelines.
The State Conference tries to give as many schools as possible an opportunity to perform in either a one-act or full length main stage play.
Selection process: Schools will be asked to submit a performance request in the spring. After the board has decided how many performance slots will be available for the conference, the schools requesting a performance slot will be chosen.
- if a school has performed in the past and there were problems with content or other issues, the board may take that into account when choosing to offer that school a performance slot.
- the host school gets a performance slot if they are interested.
- if the school requested a main stage slot and did not get a slot the previous year, they get first consideration for a slot this year.
- the board may take into account the type of show (comedy, drama, musical, etc) in order to balance the performance offerings. The name of the show is required by September 1st.
- if there are more requests than slots, the schools interested will be drawn from a hat.
- schools may request both a full length and a one act slot, but if not chosen for a main stage slot they lose the 'previous year denial' provision the following year.
Reminder: The choice of play should be appropriate for all students attending. Where questionable language or action will be presented, a warning should be given with your program notes.
Please Take note: This is an opportunity for you to highlight the work of your students and to present high quality high school theatre targeted to an audience of 13-18 year olds. The State Board does not feel that it is their function to act as a censor in determining what is or what is not appropriate to perform at the State Conference. Since we do not have a screening process for the shows, we need you to take this responsibility very seriously. We are aware that what is acceptable in one school district may be found totally inappropriate in another. Therefore, we ask that directors carefully consider the language and content of anything they plan to perform at the Conference, remembering that the conference is composed of knowledgeable, but impressionable, students ages 13-18, with a thirst for quality theatre. A troupe should not perform anything at conference that would not be acceptable on their own stage and that has not been performed before a home audience. If there is any doubt as to the content, language or depiction of the material in your show, it is your responsibility to err on the side of caution. If you cannot self-edit the show (or are not allowed by the publishing company/author to do so) then the show choice is not appropriate for the State Conference.
ANY changes you wish to make to the script (lines, casting, etc) MUST have been requested for through the publishing company and that permission letter must be sent to the Chapter Director by the Fall Board meeting or you will not be permitted to perform.
We recognize there is a significant expense to bring a Main Stage show to perform at the Conference. Schools that do so will receive a stipend to assist in those expenses.
Reminder: The choice of play should be appropriate for all students attending. Where ‘edgy’ or questionable language or action will be presented, a warning must be given with your program notes.
In order to be eligible to apply to perform a Main Stage - the director and troupe must have already presented a One Act at the PA Thespian Conference. In order to be eligible to perform a One Act - a director and troupe must have already attended the PA Thespian Conference.
Each school/troupe is responsible for any royalties for your performances of One Acts or Main Stage productions at the PA State Conference. An Affidavit of Proof of royalty payment must be completed. Please remember that the playwright is also an artist and deserves to be paid for his/her art.
To apply, students must be Senior Thespians and members of an active troupe.
Troupes are limited to 3 performance and 3 tech applicants who may apply. There is a $10 fee (payable with troupe registration) to apply for a Scholarship or Cash Award.
All scholarship money will be distributed through EdTA headquarters. Recipients will be contacted by EdTA around the end of the school year. The money will be sent directly to the recipient's college/university financial aide director. Cash awards of will be granted directly to the recipient.
Each applicant may only audition in ONE of the following areas (if you select a scholarship category and do not win the scholarship, you will automatically be considered for a Cash Award):
choose one option...
1. ACTING - Perform two one-minute contrasting monologues.
or 2. MUSICAL THEATRE - Perform one two-minute vocal selection.
or 3. COMBINED ACTING/MUSICAL THEATRE - Perform two pieces for a total time limit of up to two minutes: one acting and one vocal.
Adjudicators will score students on a scale of 1 to 10 in the following areas: Characterization, Interpretation, Tempo/Pace, Voice/Projection/Diction (vocals or monologues) or Physical Expression (dance), and Overall Effectiveness of the performance.
DEDUCTIONS WILL BE GIVEN for going over time limit, and failing to wear ‘dress black’ clothing. Be advised!! Students whose performances run over the two-minute time limit will be docked 1 point for every 2 seconds over the 2 minute time.
IMPORTANT: Please remember that your TOTAL performance time is 2 minutes. Time will be called at 2 minutes 10 seconds and the student will be stopped.
Dress: No theatrical makeup is allowed. Costumes are not allowed. Students must wear all black clothing when performing (including shoes). Students should refrain from wearing anything that might distract the judges, thus lowering their score.
Technical Theatre applicants will present a portfolio that best illustrates their area(s) of expertise to a panel of adjudicators. Each student will have 5 minutes for their portfolio presentation and 5 minutes for a Q & A with the adjudicators.
Applicants will be assigned an audition time. Applicants who miss their assigned time will forfeit their scholarship opportunity.
Students must wear all black clothing for their interview. Clothing should be appropriate ‘dress black’ for an interview (including shoes). Students should refrain from wearing anything that might distract the judges, thus lowering their score.
What is an STO? A STO is a Student Thespian Officer. The STO’s job is to help in the planning, managing, and hosting of the next year’s Conference. Also, the STO serve as a constant communication link between the students and the adult state board; therefore, it is their job to serve as an advocate for the students.
Each PA Troupe may nominate 1 student. At the conference, all candidates will participate in the Student Leadership workshop. This workshop will be the process through which the new STO will be selected.
Create a YouTube account, or use an account one of your students or your school already has created. Upload your video and (unless you want otherwise) list it as UNLISTED.
How to create a new YouTube channel -
How to upload videos to YouTube -
Info about video privacy setting is here -
Making a video unlisted means that only people who have the link to the video can view it. To share an unlisted video, just share the link with the people who you’d like to have access to it, and they’ll be able to see it. Unlike private videos, the people you share the video with do not need to have a Google account to see the video, and they can share with more people simply by forwarding the link to them. Unlisted videos won’t appear in any of YouTube’s public spaces, like your channel page or search results, but it could appear elsewhere on the web if you or anyone who you shared the video with shares it more broadly (which PA Thespians WILL NOT do). Your YouTube account needs to be in good standing to be able to create unlisted videos.
THESPYS (preliminary registration due Oct 1st)
Students wishing to participate in these should check the website for the latest updates on rules and regulations. There are very specific categories and requirements within these categories. All applicants (performance and tech) must be dressed in 'professional' black for their audition or interview (shoes included). The registration fee will be $15 per person for each IE events ($15 for monologue, $30 for duets, etc)
Students receiving superior ratings are eligible to participate in the International Festival IEs. Students must go through the state Thespy process to be eligible to go on to Festival.
We follow all rules and regulations that are followed on the National Level. Audience members may come and go between performances in the individual rooms, the time limits will be strictly adhered to & performers must bring their own playback device for musical Thespys. (it is highly advised that your prepared material is under the time limit so that you do not go even 1 second over your time limit and become disqualified – remember there may be audience reaction since you are performing live)
The Judging Forms and the Rules & Regulations undergo revisions through the National Office each year. Please see the Thespy page on the website for the updated information.
Troupe Showcase presentations are to provide more students attending the State Conference opportunities to perform at the conference. This showcase is for troupes who are NOT presenting a Main Stage or One Act production.
Make sure you have the rights to perform whatever it is you are planning to do. As a good rule of thumb, use the Thespy rules for acting and musical rights. We do not need to have you send us the same information that is requested for Thespys, but we will expect that you have secured the rights to perform whatever you select.
Duet Show Tune:
A. The song MUST be from a stage musical (not film, TV, or pop)
C. Accompaniment music may be on a CD containing no vocals. Acapella presentations are not permitted.
E. Your performance is limited to 3 minutes.
F. A quality performance would exhibit: good vocal quality (pitch, projection), clear diction, evident interpretation, entertaining overall presentation.
Duet Show Dance:
A. The song MUST be from a stage musical (not film, TV, or pop)
C. Music containing vocals is permitted.
D. Your performance is limited to 3 minutes.
E. Costumes appropriate to the song may be worn.
F. A quality performance would exhibit: expression of a mood, outstanding technique, correct timing, interpretation of the music, entertaining overall presentation.
Group Show Dance Event:
A. The song MUST be from a stage musical (not film, TV, or pop)
B. Your dance may feature 3 or more students.
C. Music containing vocals is permitted.
D. Your performance is limited to 4 minutes.
E. Costumes appropriate to the song should may be worn.
F. A quality performance would exhibit: group precision, expression of a mood, outstanding technique, correct timing, interpretation of the music, entertaining overall presentation.
Production Number Event:
A. The song MUST be from a stage musical (not film, TV, or pop)
B. Your number may feature 3 or more students.
C. All accompaniment music may be on CD that is music only, containing no vocals. A capella presentations are not permitted.
D. Your performance is limited to a maximum of 5 minutes, so edit your music accordingly.
E. Costumes appropriate to the song may be worn.
F. A quality performance would exhibit: expression of a mood, appropriate choreography/movement, outstanding technique, correct timing, interpretation of the music, and an entertaining overall presentation.
There will be numerous workshops offered during the conference.
The State Conference is designed to give students throughout the state an opportunity to learn about theatre, display their talents, and collaborate with other theater students and professionals from around the Commonwealth. The Conference includes theatre-related workshops, presentations of full-length and one-act plays, and a variety of other activities in performance and technical theater: Thespys, senior thespian scholarships and cash awards, and junior college auditions. Registration materials are posted on the PA State Thespian Website. All Troupe Directors of active Troupes in PA will be emailed information about the State Conference and Registration information.
due September 30th
- Workshop applications (will be open in August)
due Oct 8th
- Thespys info applications (google form)
- Student State Board applications (google form)
- Senior Scholarship Award applications (google form)
- Junior College Audition applications (google form)
- Thespy Judging application
due October 31st
- Conference registration (students, chaperones and directors)
due Nov 5th
- Thespy video submissions (OpenWater)
- Student State Board applications (google form)
- Senior Scholarship Award applications (OpenWater)
- Junior College Audition applications (OpenWater)
- STO Select video applications
- Administrator's Award applications
- Affidavit of Proof of one-act and main stage royalty payment
- Hall of Fame Honor Troupe Applications
Payment of conference fees – from school districts for Troupe Participation in Conference is due ASAP - no later than December 3rd. PAYABLE TO PA THESPIANS
Alphabetical listing of Important Items
Following One Act and Main Stage performances the director, cast (and crew) will meet with a team of respondents who will offer feedback on the performance.
- To recognize outstanding leadership in arts education
- To motivate excellence in arts education
- To draw public attention to accomplishments of school arts leadership
Nominations for the Pennsylvania Administrators Award may be submitted by any Thespian director. To make a nomination, a Troupe Director uses the form found on the website.
During the fall planning meeting held shortly before the conference, the State Board will review the applications and select a winner(s).
The nominee(s) must be active advocates for the arts and arts education. Also, the nominee(s) must demonstrate leadership in support of the school arts programs.
The award will be presented at the conference at a time convenient to the winner(s), or to the troupe director if the winner(s) is/are unable to attend.
All troupe registrations need to be done through the registration process by the posted due date. Currently this will be via an excel file with additional google forms.
Conference Registration (includes entrance to all virtual conference events)
- Thespians - $110
- Non Thespians - $125
- Directors and Adults - $50
Other Fees
- Thespys- $15 per person (paid by the student when they submit to OpenWater)
- Scholarship and College Auditions - $10 (paid by the student when they submit to OpenWater)
- $25 Tech Challenge team
- $20 Improv Teams
- $25 One Act
- $100 - Vendor
- $75/100 - College or University
Often a troupe has a student who is thoroughly dedicated to the troupe and is invaluable to the director in the operation of the troupe. To recognize these dedicated students, we have established the Thespian Hall of Fame. Each director will be given the opportunity to nominate one student from the troupe for Outstanding Thespian Hall of Fame, one student from the troupe for the Performance Hall of Fame and one student for the Technical Hall of Fame. These names should be submitted with the online registration. Awarded students will be recognized at the Conference.
Create a team of 5: 1 headpiece designer, 1 make-up designer, 2 crew, 1 model. The model should wear rehearsal blacks.
What to bring:
1. full make-up kit, your choice, no wigs
2. Items for headpiece construction: (a base will be provided) *2 yards of fabric,
*3 yards ribbon, *(may be multiple equaling a total of), 3 felt squares, 3 yards wire (bring your own wire cutters), 1 dozen large pipe cleaners, role of masking tape (any width), roll of scotch tape, glue gun and glue sticks (extension cord), set of markers, safety pins, sewing kit, newspaper, 3 paper plates, ornamental object of choice ex. feather, flowers, etc.
The Pennsylvania Thespian Honor Troupe Recognition Program recognizes those troupes that achieve a high level of excellence both on stage and off. This is not a head competition, but a chance for individual troupe recognition. There is no limit to the number of troupes that can be recognized each year. A certificate will be presented to each school. The time frame is the previous school year (following the International Festival – ex. July, 2022 - June, 2023). Troupes must attain at least the minimum point value in each category to be eligible for an award and may not claim more than the maximum points in any one category. The link to apply is on Conference Page of the website (in the Director Info section)
Junior College Showcase is open to juniors who are interested in auditioning/presenting for the visiting colleges. The process for the College Auditions is the same as the process for Performance and Technical Scholarship auditions (see those requirements listed under Senior Scholarship & Cash Award later in this document).
Guests - any student or adult may attend the 2021-22 PA State Thespian Conference as part of a troupe registration. Students must be inducted Thespians in order to be eligible to participate in Thespys, Scholarships and Jr College Showcase/Interviews, and Improv Pairs.
The State Board fully supports ethical use of licensed material. Failure to comply with the licensing agreement can result in possible legal and/or State Conference consequences.
The State Board does not feel that it is their function to act as a censor in determining what is or what is not appropriate to perform at the State Conference. We rely on each director’s discretion and professionalism to screen your work. We are aware that what is acceptable in one school district may be found totally inappropriate in another. Therefore, we ask that directors consider carefully the language and content of anything they plan to perform at the Conference, remembering that we are mainly composed of knowledgeable, but impressionable, students ages 13 and up, with a thirst for quality theatre. A troupe should not perform anything at conference that would not be acceptable on their own stage and that has not been performed before a home audience. In addition, where questionable language, action, or theme will be presented, a warning must be given with the program notes and play introduction.
NOTE: If there is any doubt as to the content, language or depiction of the material in a show, it is the troupe director’s responsibility to err on the side of caution. If a troupe director cannot self-edit the show (or do not have permission to do so by the publishing company) then the show choice is not appropriate for the State Conference. The State Board reserves the right to enact consequences for a failure to abide by these guidelines.
The State Conference tries to give as many schools as possible an opportunity to perform in either a one-act or full length main stage play.
Selection process: Schools will be asked to submit a performance request in the spring. After the board has decided how many performance slots will be available for the conference, the schools requesting a performance slot will be chosen.
- if a school has performed in the past and there were problems with content or other issues, the board may take that into account when choosing to offer that school a performance slot.
- the host school gets a performance slot if they are interested.
- if the school requested a main stage slot and did not get a slot the previous year, they get first consideration for a slot this year.
- the board may take into account the type of show (comedy, drama, musical, etc) in order to balance the performance offerings. The name of the show is required by September 1st.
- if there are more requests than slots, the schools interested will be drawn from a hat.
- schools may request both a full length and a one act slot, but if not chosen for a main stage slot they lose the 'previous year denial' provision the following year.
Reminder: The choice of play should be appropriate for all students attending. Where questionable language or action will be presented, a warning should be given with your program notes.
Please Take note: This is an opportunity for you to highlight the work of your students and to present high quality high school theatre targeted to an audience of 13-18 year olds. The State Board does not feel that it is their function to act as a censor in determining what is or what is not appropriate to perform at the State Conference. Since we do not have a screening process for the shows, we need you to take this responsibility very seriously. We are aware that what is acceptable in one school district may be found totally inappropriate in another. Therefore, we ask that directors carefully consider the language and content of anything they plan to perform at the Conference, remembering that the conference is composed of knowledgeable, but impressionable, students ages 13-18, with a thirst for quality theatre. A troupe should not perform anything at conference that would not be acceptable on their own stage and that has not been performed before a home audience. If there is any doubt as to the content, language or depiction of the material in your show, it is your responsibility to err on the side of caution. If you cannot self-edit the show (or are not allowed by the publishing company/author to do so) then the show choice is not appropriate for the State Conference.
ANY changes you wish to make to the script (lines, casting, etc) MUST have been requested for through the publishing company and that permission letter must be sent to the Chapter Director by the Fall Board meeting or you will not be permitted to perform.
We recognize there is a significant expense to bring a Main Stage show to perform at the Conference. Schools that do so will receive a stipend to assist in those expenses.
Reminder: The choice of play should be appropriate for all students attending. Where ‘edgy’ or questionable language or action will be presented, a warning must be given with your program notes.
In order to be eligible to apply to perform a Main Stage - the director and troupe must have already presented a One Act at the PA Thespian Conference. In order to be eligible to perform a One Act - a director and troupe must have already attended the PA Thespian Conference.
Each school/troupe is responsible for any royalties for your performances of One Acts or Main Stage productions at the PA State Conference. An Affidavit of Proof of royalty payment must be completed. Please remember that the playwright is also an artist and deserves to be paid for his/her art.
To apply, students must be Senior Thespians and members of an active troupe.
Troupes are limited to 3 performance and 3 tech applicants who may apply. There is a $10 fee (payable with troupe registration) to apply for a Scholarship or Cash Award.
All scholarship money will be distributed through EdTA headquarters. Recipients will be contacted by EdTA around the end of the school year. The money will be sent directly to the recipient's college/university financial aide director. Cash awards of will be granted directly to the recipient.
Each applicant may only audition in ONE of the following areas (if you select a scholarship category and do not win the scholarship, you will automatically be considered for a Cash Award):
- Performance Scholarship - $1,000 scholarships will be available only to students who are planning to major or minor in some area of the performing arts.
- Performance Cash Award - $200 performance awards will be available to any senior who may or may not be planning to major or minor in the performing arts.
- Tech Scholarship - $1,000 scholarships will be available only to students who are planning to major or minor in some area of the performing arts.
- Tech Cash Award - $200 tech awards will be available to any senior who may or may not be planning to major or minor in the performing arts.
choose one option...
1. ACTING - Perform two one-minute contrasting monologues.
or 2. MUSICAL THEATRE - Perform one two-minute vocal selection.
or 3. COMBINED ACTING/MUSICAL THEATRE - Perform two pieces for a total time limit of up to two minutes: one acting and one vocal.
Adjudicators will score students on a scale of 1 to 10 in the following areas: Characterization, Interpretation, Tempo/Pace, Voice/Projection/Diction (vocals or monologues) or Physical Expression (dance), and Overall Effectiveness of the performance.
DEDUCTIONS WILL BE GIVEN for going over time limit, and failing to wear ‘dress black’ clothing. Be advised!! Students whose performances run over the two-minute time limit will be docked 1 point for every 2 seconds over the 2 minute time.
IMPORTANT: Please remember that your TOTAL performance time is 2 minutes. Time will be called at 2 minutes 10 seconds and the student will be stopped.
Dress: No theatrical makeup is allowed. Costumes are not allowed. Students must wear all black clothing when performing (including shoes). Students should refrain from wearing anything that might distract the judges, thus lowering their score.
Technical Theatre applicants will present a portfolio that best illustrates their area(s) of expertise to a panel of adjudicators. Each student will have 5 minutes for their portfolio presentation and 5 minutes for a Q & A with the adjudicators.
Applicants will be assigned an audition time. Applicants who miss their assigned time will forfeit their scholarship opportunity.
Students must wear all black clothing for their interview. Clothing should be appropriate ‘dress black’ for an interview (including shoes). Students should refrain from wearing anything that might distract the judges, thus lowering their score.
What is an STO? A STO is a Student Thespian Officer. The STO’s job is to help in the planning, managing, and hosting of the next year’s Conference. Also, the STO serve as a constant communication link between the students and the adult state board; therefore, it is their job to serve as an advocate for the students.
Each PA Troupe may nominate 1 student. At the conference, all candidates will participate in the Student Leadership workshop. This workshop will be the process through which the new STO will be selected.
Create a YouTube account, or use an account one of your students or your school already has created. Upload your video and (unless you want otherwise) list it as UNLISTED.
How to create a new YouTube channel -
How to upload videos to YouTube -
Info about video privacy setting is here -
Making a video unlisted means that only people who have the link to the video can view it. To share an unlisted video, just share the link with the people who you’d like to have access to it, and they’ll be able to see it. Unlike private videos, the people you share the video with do not need to have a Google account to see the video, and they can share with more people simply by forwarding the link to them. Unlisted videos won’t appear in any of YouTube’s public spaces, like your channel page or search results, but it could appear elsewhere on the web if you or anyone who you shared the video with shares it more broadly (which PA Thespians WILL NOT do). Your YouTube account needs to be in good standing to be able to create unlisted videos.
THESPYS (preliminary registration due Oct 1st)
Students wishing to participate in these should check the website for the latest updates on rules and regulations. There are very specific categories and requirements within these categories. All applicants (performance and tech) must be dressed in 'professional' black for their audition or interview (shoes included). The registration fee will be $15 per person for each IE events ($15 for monologue, $30 for duets, etc)
Students receiving superior ratings are eligible to participate in the International Festival IEs. Students must go through the state Thespy process to be eligible to go on to Festival.
We follow all rules and regulations that are followed on the National Level. Audience members may come and go between performances in the individual rooms, the time limits will be strictly adhered to & performers must bring their own playback device for musical Thespys. (it is highly advised that your prepared material is under the time limit so that you do not go even 1 second over your time limit and become disqualified – remember there may be audience reaction since you are performing live)
The Judging Forms and the Rules & Regulations undergo revisions through the National Office each year. Please see the Thespy page on the website for the updated information.
Troupe Showcase presentations are to provide more students attending the State Conference opportunities to perform at the conference. This showcase is for troupes who are NOT presenting a Main Stage or One Act production.
Make sure you have the rights to perform whatever it is you are planning to do. As a good rule of thumb, use the Thespy rules for acting and musical rights. We do not need to have you send us the same information that is requested for Thespys, but we will expect that you have secured the rights to perform whatever you select.
Duet Show Tune:
A. The song MUST be from a stage musical (not film, TV, or pop)
C. Accompaniment music may be on a CD containing no vocals. Acapella presentations are not permitted.
E. Your performance is limited to 3 minutes.
F. A quality performance would exhibit: good vocal quality (pitch, projection), clear diction, evident interpretation, entertaining overall presentation.
Duet Show Dance:
A. The song MUST be from a stage musical (not film, TV, or pop)
C. Music containing vocals is permitted.
D. Your performance is limited to 3 minutes.
E. Costumes appropriate to the song may be worn.
F. A quality performance would exhibit: expression of a mood, outstanding technique, correct timing, interpretation of the music, entertaining overall presentation.
Group Show Dance Event:
A. The song MUST be from a stage musical (not film, TV, or pop)
B. Your dance may feature 3 or more students.
C. Music containing vocals is permitted.
D. Your performance is limited to 4 minutes.
E. Costumes appropriate to the song should may be worn.
F. A quality performance would exhibit: group precision, expression of a mood, outstanding technique, correct timing, interpretation of the music, entertaining overall presentation.
Production Number Event:
A. The song MUST be from a stage musical (not film, TV, or pop)
B. Your number may feature 3 or more students.
C. All accompaniment music may be on CD that is music only, containing no vocals. A capella presentations are not permitted.
D. Your performance is limited to a maximum of 5 minutes, so edit your music accordingly.
E. Costumes appropriate to the song may be worn.
F. A quality performance would exhibit: expression of a mood, appropriate choreography/movement, outstanding technique, correct timing, interpretation of the music, and an entertaining overall presentation.
There will be numerous workshops offered during the conference.